On both the light-sensitive and mirror surfaces, a relationship is created between the real and its copy. The mirror has repeatedly been interpreted as a kind of repetition, and the double that imitates our gestures becomes a twin clone of Narcissus, who without the original would never exist. This is probably why photography, the mirror and reality seem to be identical.

Photography can be a tool to aid cognition, but it should be remembered that it is only a changing paradigm of reality. 


Visual Artist / Photographer / Lecturer

Grzegorz Jarmocewicz – Polish visual artist, photographer, academic lecturer, curator, juror of international photography competitions, reviewer of portfolio reviews, co-founder and Artistic Director of the International Photography Festival Bialystok INTERPHOTO – one of the most prestigious photography festivals in Central and Eastern Europe. Author of texts on photography.

Grzegorz Jarmocewicz made his debut in the environment of PAcamera Club in Suwalki in the 1990s. He graduated with honours in photography from the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. He received his doctoral degree from National Film School in Lodz. 

He works as a lecturer in schools and universities teaching photography, among others he was an adjunct at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. In the studios led by him, students learning the elements of aesthetics, philosophy and theory of photography translate their own creative ideas into creative realisations. 

He is the author of photographic series including 1992 – In time; 1993 – Signs and symbols; 1994 – Images; 1995 – Props room; 2008 – Tempus tenere; 2013 – Ire ex praeteritis; 2015 – Every past moment. Photography as memory; 2021 On both sides of the border. Why do I fall in love with Lithuania. Photographic installations ie: 1996 – Traces; 1997/98 – Usque ad finem. Photographic actions: 2014 – To the Memory of Reflected Gazes (within the framework of the Art Festival “Bridge / Die Brücke” in Slubice / Frankfurt/Oder). Multimedia exhibitions: 2022 – A Line On A Map; 2022/23 – Camera Opresiva. He has exhibited in Berlin, Brescia, Bratislava, Budapest, Dresden, Yokohama, Kaunas, Rotterdam andTallinn, among others.

For more than 20 years he has worked commercially creating photos for advertising campaigns of major Polish and international corporations such as PKN ORLEN, VOLKSWAGEN GROUP, PFEIFER&LANGEN, WARTA GLASS GROUP, ZEELANDIA, SONY, STIHL, LG, AMICA, BREWING COMPANY/ASHAI EUROPE & INTERNATIONAL and many others.

Grzegorz Jarmocewicz’s works are in private collections and in the District Museum in Suwalki, Center of Modern Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw, Museo Ken Damy di Fotografia Contemporanea, Brescia in Italy, Center of Modern Art Suwalki, Center of Ludwik Zamenhof Bialystok.

Copyright © Grzegorz Jarmocewicz 2023